First Principles

I have been landscaping and gardening for 35 years. In that time, I have encountered an incredible number of situations and and scenario’s which have informed me about what I do now.  While my interests are in making enough money to feed myself and my family, I have a creative streak which allows my curiosity to overtake my business sense at times, I admit, but which has lengthened the width and breadth of my endeavors into an abundant number of areas in the trade and in related trades. In the end, I am hoping it will pay off. Having said all that, I also have experienced some extremely rewarding enterprises, regardless of the financial end.
I will endeavor here to share some of that experience with you. I am well aware of the incredibly wide assortment of gardening problems presented to us all. I will invite questions, comments and criticisms. I will promise you never to believe for a moment that I have all the answers to any of the conundrums of gardening and landscaping. The one thing I have learned most is that there are innumerable ways to do almost anything. And this especially applies to gardens and landscapes.
I am an informal person, pretty easy to get along with. I circulate in public and love doing so. My crews and co workers are generally good natured but experienced, as am I myself. I take pride in my work. I will be submitting pictures to illustrate the content of some of the blogs I will write. I take scads of them, although I so regret missing doing it when employed by others in the past. What I want is to produce an accessible and entertaining blog, suitable for those others of us who enjoy the field of gardening, landscaping and getting dirty. I will end up stressing issues like maintenance and gardening per se, yet my primary interests are in the design and installation of landscaping projects for residential uses. I hope my interest in this field, including its future, entertains and somehow informs. Dig it!

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