Spring Again – Trees Around Portland – We Gets Lucky

(click on all images to enlarge)

Driving to projects recently, I have pulled over – of had those driving pull over ;-)- to accommodate my photographic whims. This Spring seems somehow more precious for some reason. Or maybe it’s just that I have a reason to make an organized effort at loving it more owing to this blog. But it is becoming a visual feast, for sure. We just had our first 70 degree days (and, sadly, the forecast is to plunge back into some gloom) and it made the blossoms go just a bit nutso. Here are trees around town, just bustin’ out.

Trees add an outrageous mellowing influence in any large town or city. A look at the wires and lights, signs and traffic are about as interesting as watching paint dry. But take a look at these urban zones where trees give some Natural spunk to the surroundings and tell me they are not the single most welcome sight in human existence. The contrast might be even ore outrageous, contrasting the utilitarian functionality of out techno world and that of Nature herself who it pleases me greatly to say will outlive all these human contraptions.

Portland gets a legitimate 2 month Spring. Unfortunately, it can be combined with a lot of rainfall and some exceptionally dreary days but, all in all, much like Vancouver, BC, it can also result in some amazing colors, smells and sights in general with the lushness of moisture and cool air. I’ll be going again to the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Park later, when the Rhodies really get going and who can forget that? Here are a couple of examples from an earlier post of mine during last year’s visit over there:

This Higan Cherry (Prunus subhirtella var. pendula ) has always been a favorite of mine. Scrunched in here between the houses, it actually makes an absolutely delightful “fit”, softening the house lines and now towering over a fairly large home and its neighbor. We’ll keep an eye on this one as it develops more color in the days to comen Under that, is the same lot, but with another Higan out front:

Here, below, we revisit a Star Magnolia, now in all its glory. An early blooming Magnolia, these guys never fail to produce fabulous early shows. Competing as it does with all the paraphernalia around it makes it just that much more interesting to me. It’s unbelievable to me how compelling these plants can be – and not just this one. I am surprised the powers-that-be don’t disallow all this good Nature stuff owing to the neck-twisting drivers do at this time of year! 🙂

Back to my neighborhood gives us a few more glimpses of how things are proceeding locally. First up, the Star Magnolia from earlier, when it was just coming on:

The little side street nearby my place is still doing its thing:

As is this other nearby street:

And the local Camelia population are showing up as if invited or something. The gall!

Sometimes moving 600 pound boulders around takes second place to just paying attention to the air and to the things around us. This is definitely one of those times.

These are good days.

3 thoughts on “Spring Again – Trees Around Portland – We Gets Lucky

  1. Steve,
    Spring is fabulous there. I have always wanted to go to Crystal Springs. I can’t wait to see more photos. The camellia is so floriferous.

  2. Thanks, Donna! Man, I have been “off my feet” busy with all this.

    “Floriferous!!!” How true. Love that term. 🙂

  3. Of the cherry trees, I think the upright forms give more bang for the buck in the Portland area.

    Seems that to see nice Rhododendron displays, one almost needs to visit the Rhododendron garden or go up the the historic homes on the NW hill. I see them in the nursery, but not near as many as there used to be.

    M. D. Vaden

    Beaverton / Portland

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