OK – Final Springs Pictures Around Portland, Oregon – Part 1

The 80 degree days are here. Portland’s legion of homes without air conditioning is about to experience Summer in often-grueling ways, including my own. After leaving Reno – where air conditioning or “swamp coolers” is the closest thing to automatic, my adopted town gets delirious when the Sun finally comes out and doesn’t even sweat their lack of A/C. They are all out somewhere, soaking up Sun like those insanely efficient Paper Towels.

But Spring has hung in like a dirty shirt, too. Rhododenrons, azaleas and Hawthorne trees are sending out their belated gifts even amidst the Solar carnage of heat and welcome sunlight. My neighborhood once again becomes the palette we gather our data from.

(click all images to enlarge hugely)

You’ll recall that Double File Viburnum I had my eye on for a while. It has expanded in marvelous and charming ways into a real bit of eye candy.

Big, nearly naturalized and untamed as heck, I am hoping they let this absolute gem grow even more wild as the years go by. It’s a perfectly delightful plant who is obviously more than pleased about its location.

And there are other weird gems abounding around here too! How could I leave this bad boy out? Honestly, I adore this behemoth of a Rhodie with its three colors and “in-your-face” style, sitting prominently on a corner. It always gets a smile!

All these “late arrivals” at the Spring Fest around here prolong the festivities in an incredibly satisfying way. They seem to buy into the notion that Spring is one of the Natural Wonders that make life itself exciting and optimistic. Here are other pretty doggone terrific blooms, suitable for smiling and all within 3 blocks of my place:

A Hawthorne Tree on a busy thoroughfare –

Pardon the intrusion but I cannot get enough of the process of rhodies bearing blooms and how they get there.

Early Peonies are busting out and flexing their substantial blossom muscles –

Gorgeous early Irises look absolutely spectacular this time of year –

This stunningly lush mismatch of Hawthorne and Maple and an Oak is a gift owed to a wonderful neglect! Enlarge this one and enjoy just a plain old luscious scene. Who cares about its supposed propriety? Sometimes, stuff is just plain pretty.

Here the little Clematis with an “I think I can” attitude.

We’ll keep a close eye on this Honey Locust this Summer season. Now this person is what I call someone who “pays attention”! Modeled after the English Model of garden design and care, I think it has a lot going for it. I secretly love these very attended-to gardens. (Driveway looks like heck, though   😉

I have featured this home before. To me, this home may be one of the most typical examples of taking advantage of the local climate and Flora. The huge third growth Doug Firs and Hemlocks straddle and shade an otherwise extremely eye-pleasing and very pleasant garden. This place has balance, perspective and tons of color. The Spring Bloomers here are just the best there are.

I’ll wrap this up. In fact, I’ll do two parts. I have a bunch more I don’t want to waste and I am thinking more here would be overload.

7 thoughts on “OK – Final Springs Pictures Around Portland, Oregon – Part 1

  1. Wonderful, wonderful rhododendrons…I simply adore them. That’s a delightful combo on the corner! The viburnum and clematis are over achievers, too. 🙂

  2. How long ago was it when I had the warm weather and you were waiting for spring to unwrap itself? Not that long ago. Now you’ve got the warm weather and plants celebrating like there’s no tomorrow. Very cool.

  3. James, that’s a fact, Jack. Nor will you hear me complaining. I guess since I was born in the Summer months, it makes me a sun lover. Whatever – I sure am. And, yeah, I’ll complete the Spring series today or tomorrow. Thanks for coming by!

    Sue, do your toilets flush right to left or left to right? 😉 North Americans are dying to know! Love your visits!

  4. Nacy Bond, thank you so much. I adore your blog, you know. I hope summer is well on its way out there as well. I darn sure know you paid for it, lol.

  5. Hi, Steve! Your photos are dazzling. I love the peek at others’ gardens. Thanks for sharing and I can’t wait for additional installments.

  6. Yeah, Jo. I am a nosy one. Face it – aren’t we all?

    I have some more I am doing today and thanks for dropping by! I guess you, too, are busting with garden fever. You site sure looks like it!

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