Finishing a Large Project

HPIM0610-800.jpgHere are a couple posts relative to this project shown prior, now completed, in Vancouver, Washington.  It was quite involving and we had to adapt so much just as field people/designers/installers, it made it most interesting in general.  I confess to preferring some interpretation in projects I undertake and I usually try to make any changes as congruent and as interesting as I can.  This one has hidden glories which won’t be visible until Spring:  lots of perennials and grasses.  They complete a fascinating study in the application of hardscapes and water in a private, detail-rich back yard.

The falls here are both lit at night from underneath.  It gives a phosphorescent feel and look, sort of miraculous, in a way.  The trees surrounding are “uplit” from well lights pointing up, capturing the gorgeous birchbark and framing the place quite warmly.

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