Random Pictures Of Blooms and Projects

In no set order. Blooms supply the candy, along with many other items in a landscape. Always sort of breathlessly pretty, blooming things have a set limit of endurance – one reason I plant so many shrub roses any more. They are seasonal and fluid, if planted correctly, leaving something blooming at just about any time of the year not named Winter. Here’s some now:


I’ve always had a secret affinity for Smoke Trees, myself. Their subtle blooms really do look like smoke.


The early seed formation of Sumacs are another very under rated beauty, in my opinion. Naturally, landscapers also use them for dual purposes – their Fall foliage is out of this world.


But they can shimmer in the right light and look as good as any bloom anywhere, when happy:


Durable, reliable, easy-to-please and wonderfully fragrant, shrub roses and wild roses are an absolute must-have in my landscapes. These newly-developed cultivars require absolutely nothing special to bloom, look and smell happy and just plain be pleasing.


I think we can all agree that this is a big lump of Phlox.  Man, these guys smell fabulous.

Rose Garden 059

Poppies are always good for a solid month, if not more so. I plant tons of these guys as well.

Rose Garden 115

Technically, not a bloom per se, grasses and especially this Purpurea rank highly as objects of beauty similar to blooms. The nicest part about the temporary nature of this “bloom” is the fact that it just gets bigger, rather than smaller as the year unfolds. This was an interesting project, high above Reno. Lots and lots of brick pavers.


We put this Clematis inside an entryway for a satisfied couple and got a satisfied plant as well!

Doug and Ed 002

This one is cool, from Vancouver. This time we got the bloomage and the architecture together. Those pots are some heavyweight suckers. Lots and lots of Rhodies and Azaleas here. This is North West landscaping, for real.


Speaking of the North West style, here’s from a project we installed, using about 7,000 Railroad Ties at a massive apartment complex in Vancouver, BC.


Rhododendrons are obviously (as evidenced all through this blog) my favorite bloom. Here’s a few from the Crystal Springs Rododendron Garden in Portland, Oregon. (These enlarge nicely)

Crystal Springs March 3 09 019

Crystal Springs March 3 09 014

Finally – an old favorite. Double File Viburnum. Somewhat “naturalized”:

Crystal Springs March 3 09 044

Far more groomed:

Crystal Springs March 3 09 354

No trees!  Not yet. Thanks for coming by.

7 thoughts on “Random Pictures Of Blooms and Projects

  1. They are all so beautiful. I was wondering if you knew the cultivar of the red rhododendron. Could it be Nova Zembla? I’d surely love that phlox in my garden. Simply gorgeous.

  2. Tina, yes, Nova Zembla it is. It’s become popular in the North West.

    Hey Nancy, thanks. It is every bit of Winter, darnit.

  3. “A big lump of phlox”…great wording, Steve! It even sounds thick and fluffy to say it. Your blog is a knowledge boon to garden junkies like myself. I really really like that coral rose you feature in the photo below the Sumac-do you remember its name?


  4. Shauna, believe it or not, I cannot remember, off hand. I always figured it was just a Rugosa because I planted so many of them, yet, looking closer, the inner part does not appear Rugosa-like. The sad truth is, I often researched lightly on some plantings, based on what nurseries had in stock, sometimes taking their word for behavior or maybe doing quick Google searches or a peek in an Encyclopdeia to check on optimal soil and sun conditions and – often – not much more. Some plants I simply have long relations with and studied more than others. Time was always so precious when installing things, my best guesses often succeeded where studious investigations were lacking. I developed trust, lol, in others.

  5. Hi Steve, I loved seeing these examples of your jobs, so varied! The apartment slope was especially well done, so lush. I wonder if the residents appreciate that sea of life?

  6. Well, since I lived there for a few years, I know some did! LOL, it was pretty wild “doing your own place”. 😉

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