Shady Gardens And A Cat

Picture 002.jpgHere’s an interesting place shown here just after completion from a house we did in Portland, Oregon.  The family there had that most interesting cat sculpture which I really liked, even as common as it is. For some reason, the placidity of this small sculpture fit in so well.  The rounded mounding looks great and the low-lying plants surrounding this cute cat won’t get large enough to hide it, either, for the most part. Plus its grey tone is color-nuetral so it fits well within the riot of color later when everything blooms. The thing is, a sculpture such as this just adds an element to any garden.  In this case, its simplicity and rounded form augment a similar geological sensibility.

The plants selected here are all shade tolerant, naturally, and a few were actually selected for their scent.  There’s a rosemary one cannot really see and a few Artemesia varieties which almost always produce a tangy smell.  Needless to say, at least regarding my work and preferences, lavender will be there somewhere. Nor is this a particularly deeply-shaded spot.  Notice the dappled sunlight, enhanced owing to the thinning of branches in the birch trees behind nd above.  Some sun is almost always preferable to none at all and gives just a bit of pizzaz to almost any flowering species.

The Rhodedrendrons are magnificent bloomers, as always, and this particular variety savors the deeper shade elements. For a small bed, this little item has always been one of my favorites, especially since it is pretty much the fiorst thing someone sees when they enter the back yard from the gate behind from where this picture was taken.  Serene and shady, this one was a real neat spot.

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