Random Pictures of Interest – Yawwwwwwwn

Strictly eye candy – hopefully enough to keep everyone entertained……… 😉

I am running extremely whimsical with this. In a way, I am just showing pictures from my Mighty Massive photo file system which have not appeared here before. New blood, as it were.

It also gives a chance to plain have some fun without too much hyped-up thematic discipline, so it’s even cooler. The pic below is my brother Mike posing with our very own Mother, often referred to as “Mom”.  They both seem reasonably happy, so why not etch that rare moment on historical online Eternity? 🙂 I lied, of course. Truth is, we spend most of our time laughing.

Anyways, sashay with me through various and sundry pictures, none of which match.

(left click all images to enlarge – sometimes twice for real detail)

Pictures Chinese Garden 022

Here’s a hole in the wall at the Chinese Garden in Portland, Oregon.

Pictures Chinese Garden 026

Modernistic planting, somewhere.

BernheimYewDell 036

Let’s face it. You don’t see Dry Water every day…………


A highly-suspicious plant.

BernheimYewDell 062

Some interesting Iron Work a very good iron man did at a project of ours.


Here’s some iron work of Antonia Gaudi’s. Now THIS is a gate!


This fountain always tickles me.


The Portland Japanese Garden is inspiring, quiet and beautiful. Even the fish agree:



Yew Dell Gardens in Fall. Dude could use a haircut and a shave.

BernheimYewDell 083

Here’s that big Singapore fountain at night:


Now, this is a river.

BernheimYewDell 001

Multnomah Fall just outside of Portland.


I always loved traveling this stretch of road between Reno and Portland, Oregon. It was about 540 miles – which is a grind no matter how scenic – but this approach to Mt. Hood not only meant I was getting into more treed areas, it also meant I was within about 60 miles of home. Even in Summer – with the snow nearly gone – Mt. Hood was like a relaxing sight.


Here’s a flower!

Crystal Springs March 3 09 039

Dealing with the desert – you can find some strangeness, for sure. Here is a mulch only a lizard could love. The good news is it grew up nicely.


And the desert can bloom – don’t let anyone tell you different!


Prune This!!!!!!!!!! 😉

Crystal Springs March 3 09 026

This is a lot of moving water. 6,000 gallons a minute, to be exact.




Making Bubble Rocks can put you in some tight spaces.

April 06 023

And some are tighter than others:

April 06 027

I always have liked what we did in making this little creek.


I absolutely love this picture. I shamelessly add it here, not knowing where I got it. I hope the author does not mind.


“Sobering” applies to this military cemetery in Louisville, I’d think. It is amazing quiet here. Speaking as a veteran, I often wish more of us would visit these places. You’d be amazed at how many connections you have here and elsewhere.

Cave Hill 009

You know you’re up early when this sight greets you on the drive to work. Of course, then again, it could be lunch time in the Yukon in December. 😉


Would this be called a “Green Building”?

Caixa Forum Museum 2

Here’s something you DON’T want to see when you get low on gas.


Those nutty Barcelonans will do anything for a laugh.

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An interesting landscaping idea?


Here’s Louis XIV and an escaped horse in downtown Louisville.

Gallopalooza 091

This is what it’s like driving from Reno, over the mountain to lake Tahoe in Winter.

Birthday 005

A patio and landscaping project in Portland.


You don’t see rocks like this every day. Nor woodwork, for that matter.

HPIM1274An interesting Architectural feature from the Portland, Oregon Chinese Garden.


The Truckee River as it courses through the midst of downtown Reno, Nevada. This shot is at the head of the fabricated kayak run, designed for competitions. Yes, it is in the middle of town.


A luxury swimmin’ hole we helped construct in the woods near Lake Tahoe. We did everything on top – just not the pool itself. The paving, rocks and all that are ours,


Another fountain, now that I am the Fountain Maven at my new blog at Pond And Fountain World………nothing special, just quite unique.

And unusual.


Anyone seen my Narwal?

nosey Narwhal

6 thoughts on “Random Pictures of Interest – Yawwwwwwwn

  1. Well, bless yer pointy heart. Swimmin’ wif yeu could be some kinda fun. You got to watch yeu don’t bash yore head on that thar ceement. I know yeu too good alreddy.

  2. Steve!
    Firstly — love the photos. (as usual).
    Secondly, what branch of service were you in? — my husband served in the army — and during the Lebanon conflict.
    Thirdly, I’m on Facebook now — hope to see you there!

    PS> I’d love to post some of your pics on my website — with attribute to your skills, of course!

  3. Hey Heidi!! Yeah, I saw your pretty face on facebook and sent a friendly request. Dear, you can use my pictures any time, just tell ’em Steve sent you! Oh – I was in the Army, too. During another conflict, lol – Viet Nam. I be’s old. 😉

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