Spring hit here like a ton of bricks. After a long, long, long Winter the weather has finally relented, giving up a remarkably sunny and warm period where it seems every Spring blossoming tree known to man felt the urge to unite in color and extravagance and try and get it over with as soon as possible.
2 weeks ago, this was the scene along one of my normal walks:
(left click any image to enlarge. Click twice for more detail)
Which then evolved into this:
And then eventually this:
The Forsythia went hog wild, as normal:
And this is all the early stuff! Check out these Magnolia Soulangiana’s, especially well-represented here in the South (as well as their smells!! Man, who knew??):
Talk about overkill!
And look at this mess!!(Not that I’m complaining.)……..
But it is the park, designed for an optimal Springtime Show, that really moved me most. Check out this brief Time Lapse series, Daff’s and all, then enjoy Chinese Pears doing their thing, with a few native Redbuds in between. This is an extremely thoughtfully-designed park:
Note the grass has most certainly “Gone green.” ๐
Nice Park:
Here a native Redbud gets loose and ready for some brilliance. It is not at all unusual to see this tree studding any forest in Kentucky. Like the native Dogwoods, Redbuds are free and easy:
I think these Weeping Cherries are just magnificent as well –
Here is the larger version:
I promise to keep us all posted on the progress of these Dogwood trees:
Anything less would be uncivilized! ๐
Absolutely beautiful. Can’t wait to be in the US this time next year.
.-= Anne´s last blog ..Beeeeep One Two Beeeeep One Two Beeeeep =-.
Just wait for my forest pictures tomorrow
These are some fantastic photos, are you sure you don’t also moonlight as a photographer? ๐
The dogwoods are particularly beautiful this time of year, I’m glad to see they’re being appreciated. Do any of these photos capture any work you are doing or have done in the past?
I love going on “walks” with you, Steve. Too bad computers don’t have something that emits odors, the way speakers emit sound.
.-= Pomona Belvedere´s last blog ..Narcissus โBeersheebaโ: Part 1 =-.
Remember “Smellevision”? LOL, too bad it folded like such an old wet sock, Pomona. But wait, I am being redundant!
Thanks, Kostas. Like I said, I’m an accidental professional.
None of these, no, Kostas.