Blotanical – Quite a Find!

I discovered a most unique blog directory the other day in my constant search for other garden and landscaping work online: . What a delightful resource it is. It honestly opens up the entire blogosphere in a way I only suspected existed.

I can whip over there to find what I now consider a source for the finest garden and landscaping blogs on the entire web. It could be too good, actually, lol. From appearances, it seem they get about 10 blogs a day joining as well in this crush of discoveries from others like myself.

Believe me when I say it is an uncommonly rich and diverse directory, guaranteed to provide eye candy galore and some extremely noteworthy ideas in general for whatever gardening purposes imaginable. For pure and amazing garden art, try out these bizarre and amazing avant garde shots from an very young blog, full of promise: Scroll down and look at the sculpture of the reclining woman, made entirely from mirrored mosaics and sod. Wow!

Anyway, this highly-addictive spot on the internet dial will be getting some traffic from me and I hope you as well. Thanks, Blotanical.

2 thoughts on “Blotanical – Quite a Find!

  1. Cheers for the shout-out Steve and I’m glad you’re finding some great blogs to read – that’s what it’s all about. Enjoy your star!

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