St. James Court – Once More Around Louisville Spring

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I describe Louisville’s St. James Court/Belgravia district in some historical detail in this other post here in this blog, including its role in the Southern Exposition of 1883-87.   Click here, please.

The last time this blog visited it was during the past very gorgeous and somewhat warm Fall. So much of the attraction of Kentucky in general and Louisville in particular is invested in their two most-attractive seasons – Spring and Fall – that I thought revisiting during this “very bloomy” Spring might be worthwhile. Well, I think it was.

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I almost always begin my journeys around St. James Court with a visit to the place my parents once lived. This home they renovated at some expense, while renting, and it remains one of my most favorite places dating from back when flights to Louisville originated in Vancouver, BC. Mother remembers this Dogwood tree well, having been there when it was planted, nearly 25 years ago.

Across the street was this behemoth which always tickles me to feature. I mean, the sheer size and heft of this single family residence pretty much always blows my mind:

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But there is always a far more human dimension to walking this gorgeous area. If nothing else, appreciation from a craftsman yields dramatic evidence of sheer professionalism and craftsmanship in all of the home designs and construction. Not only are the homes here over 100 years old, they were made by people who were the very best at what they did – from masons to glass makers and carpenters. And let us take just a moment to praise a few gardeners as well!

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By all means!

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A simple and relaxing layout overall presents a superb example of urban planning, back when the trade was rather young and new in America and people like – in this case – Frederick Olmstead  designed them for permanent beauty.

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Made for walking and enjoying, the beautiful mixture of interesting architecture, iron work and landscape pitch in to present a moderate, yet gorgeous and still somewhat extravagant face –

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Like yet another hidden gem in the midst of a bustling city, St. James Court and Belgravia are actually not quite as hidden as the earlier post. Host of the largest Art Fair in the nation, St. James Court still does not get the traffic outside of those few outrageously packed days, to deter one from making the visit and relishing its various beauties.

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All the blooming articles have gone somewhat bananas at the same time, with this warm weather, making for some incredible eye candy.

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And the list of wonders also takes in the more avid gardeners of the area and their efforts at maximizing some early Spring perennials such as these gorgeous Bleeding Hearts – or the cute Tulips below that.

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Yes, there are some darn good gardeners in the neighborhood, prone to enjoying something more than the stable, structural landscapes and who grow delightful groupings of oddities among other things. Check out this virtual “Variegated Spring Perennial Garden”, now just developing, featuring the variegated (and new to me) Solomon’s Seal:

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Here are two extremely well-planned microcosmic glories, both in front yards in relatively small spaces but whose attention to detail and very obvious patience in development offer us fabulous examples of what is possible in Spring:

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Needless to say, there are your standard “structural” beauties, if such a thing could be said about a plant as gorgeous as an Azelea:

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There is Iron Work everywhere:

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Even in some of the smaller front yards:

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Once again, any trip through here – any time of the year – is a marvelously relaxing abiding among lushness – homes and trees and urban landscaping designed to be what it is – a place of small worship of Nature and Man, teamed together in a gorgeous dance of possibilities.

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We are most pleasantly assaulted by the sounds, sights and smells which are the furthest possible thing from our daily worries – which is also by design.

Our cute little Dogwood brings us full circle this day. Splendid simplicity also has a place.

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