More Formal


Even in Reno, Nevada, the urge for formality and a Retro sort of Italian style reverberates with some people’s urges. This project was a pretty vast one and detail-rich one and includes the “Infinity Edge” waterfall and pond out in the back yard as well as the “Grotto” pictures also shown earlier. But for sheer symmetry and balance, mixed with the natural ‘informality’ of most plants, Nature and Architecture can make a pretty splendid blend. Combining anarchy, well-represented by Nature and plantings, their diseases, their weird growth and all their wildness and genetic zaniness with pure concrete symmetry and formal lines makes for some interesting projects.

This place had another couple of features, no less, which I plan to show tomorrow, including hand-cut circular paving patterns on their front porch as well as surrounding this very formal fountain.

By the way, leveling and getting these formal fountains in the right spot is a chore that tries a man’s patience. (Just thought I would toss that out there!). Especially the prefab ones, you get a very imperfect product, bottom line, as pretty as they are. What it implies is the need for the patience of Job. Do I have that? Don’t ask.

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