Panoramic Pictures – 2 Projects

WeirdoI’m trying something newish here and it looks OK. I took these panoramic shots during a couple of projects inĀ  Portland (the first and third photo) and Reno (obviously, in the second and 4th). I’m either going to let these ride for now, or will amend them later. Each has accompanying shots, taken during the progress of each, which I am currently looking for.

As it stands now, these work just fine for the nonce.

I find that by left clicking the picture, it will appear enlarged. Further detail can be obtained by clicking again at the spot of the small plus sign or arrow, depending upon your browser setting.

Jin Kirk

Just some efforts to see how this works –



2 thoughts on “Panoramic Pictures – 2 Projects

  1. I really like panoramic photos. They make lots of sense for landscapes and the outdoors, where your vision moves sideways along the horizon. I had to look twice at first. Even the Portland gardens seem to have some of that open space that you use in the Reno gardens.
    .-= lostlandscape (James)´s last blog ..getting real =-.

  2. Yeah, James, on both counts. Panorama pictures are awesome for landscaping. I have a few more I’m going to use. I believe in spaces, by the way. It’s an eye massage we’re after, in the end. If we can involve a few more senses, then it gets even better.

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