Landscape Development – Where Things Start and What They Become

I love time lapse photography. The developments of landscapes are one of life’s little rewards for those who install them. In fact, aside from the pleasure of rendering a bowl of dust or mud into something far more than that, it is the second-most Primary Benefit of the trade. You can enlarge many of these pictures by left-clicking.

Here’s a project whose photo’s were taken pretty much as we were leaving – the day we “finished” installing all the plants and mulches and what-not. I was supremely satisfied, feeling certain what we had put in would develop well. This is the “real” version of what many of these places look like when first completed. To say patience can pay dividends is quite an understatement. We worked within a tight budget here, selecting smaller sized plants from nurseries, opting for “more bounce for the gold ounce”. These guys were also incredibly good at taking care and nurturing their place, I hasten to add. Steve and Mary, I salute you!ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰


This was the result, not that long afterwards, I’m thinking 2 years:

Doug and Ed 105

Maybe an evenย  better perspective of the same angle:

Doug and Ed 123

Another perspective, same project. I am so in love with Penstemons, it’s almost sick, lol:


Same time frame:

Doug and Ed 109

The combination of intense and plentiful sun, mixed with a very, very scrupulous addition of brand new and upgraded topsoil in huge amounts, make Reno, Nevada – where this project was completed – almost uniquely situated to produce phenomenal growth in certain types of plants. Perennials absolutely love Reno, or at least the sun-loving varieties such as Penstemons, Lavender, Salvia and the likes. Give the soil a touch of acidity, give the roots a medium to grow in and – whoa! Needless to say, the Aspens shown here grow at an equally phenomenal rate:


Two years is a short period of time for a landscape. After one, this actually approached what it looked like.

Doug and Ed 108

And here’s a totally gratuitous look back:

Doug and Ed 113

And here we have another year under the belt, showing us yet more recent growth:


This next project was my business partner, Bill’s house. Now, this is a bit unfair, because we could tinker with this one on days off or when Bill had emergencies – like visits from family, lol. So we began with something along these lines, just after we completed the creek and waterfall (which we later raised!):


And the lawn! Can’t fergit the lawn!!


Anyway, these became something else, too (I think we improved the lawn):

Bill and Donna newer

And we wrought some other changes in a couple short years, too:


Incredibly enough, I actually get paid to do all this!


Then there are the Supremely Big Humongous Projects of acreage and plentiful dust. The onset of projects such as this are impressively intimidating as heck. Showing up with a 3 or 4 man crew makes the owners go “Huh?”

“You mean you work too?” (Truth is, I said the same “Huh?” when I saw the darn thing – in almost every case. It always seems to have an element of “Gulp!” to it, to be perfectly honest.)

My response is always “Sure! We ready!!”ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Starting with this you can plainly see there is a “ways” to the second picture, especially considering we placed those rocks:


But we did it:


From the other direction:


Next time, we’ll visit a water feature ‘time lapse’, where we will wonder how we got anywhere at all from here. Poor Leo, lol. Another day of liquid sunshine in Portland, Oregon!:


To here ( a nicer day ๐Ÿ˜‰ :


To this:


5 thoughts on “Landscape Development – Where Things Start and What They Become

  1. I look at these landscapes and wish I had the money to make my yard just as beautiful. Gorgeous job guys! I especially love the little ponds in the yards and the various types of flowers surrounding.

  2. Hi, you have a very nice posts it gives a lot of ideas in making a good and wonderful yard. Thank you for sharing more power and keep it up!

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