July Blooms in Louisville, Kentucky

So what’s blooming? Here it is early July and some stuff has hatched a plan to take off right in front of our very eyes. As you browse these pictures – which you can enlarge greatly by clicking on – bear in mind the scope of this adventure is just another trip around my local neighborhood. I save the special stuff for special posts, although to be perfectly honest, there is nothing not “special” about flowers anywhere, is there?

I cannot help but feature another one of my favorites – a picture I took this morning of perhaps the most perfect Southern Magnolia bloom I’ve ever seen:

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Perhaps most apparent to me are these geographically new (to me) Crepe Myrtles. These are another wonderfully Southern plant, particular to warm climates and muggy weather.

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This one above was actually a part of an interesting line of these gorgeous and rather informally-droopy plants. Here is a shot just a bit down the line:

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And then here they are altogether, forming a rainbow-like wall of color and bright form, right up close to the street. I love this look:

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Here’s a close-up.Is this plant cool or what?:

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Some of the colors are electric:

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I also like that they are used as masses, as is the case at this apartment complex’s central office:

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Their colors match those – almost – of the local Hardy Hibiscus shrubs nearby, of which there are bazillions:

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This of course is actually 2 Hibiscus plants, installed to hide the utility company’s ugly old box. I happen to be glad they tried it.

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There is much variation in Hibiscii!!

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Just as there is in the local Lily population:

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We’ll explore Lilies more in the next post – including some interesting Cana’s. For now, let’s check in on how our Banana Plant is doing. It seems just about ready to begin devouring that poor house. 😉

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I’d say it grew just about 4 feet this month. Poor Harry.

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