Walkways and Paths

Paths and walkways are delightful opportunites to establish a winding discovery zone to a garden and landscape. Trees and earthen berms and hills can provide privacy and isolated spots in even small landscapes and which can supply surprises to the eye as one discovers “what’s around the bend”. As well, curves are so entrancing and gentle to the eye. I love constructing new and varied routes for folks to manage making a small garden bigger and, conversely, a large garden more human. Winding pathways can provide a meandering and gentle entree to all of this, putting everything on a more human scale.

3 thoughts on “Walkways and Paths

  1. S&H is a great company to work with. Steve is one of the class acts of this competitive market. The landscapes that he creates are a thing of beauty.

  2. I love that walkway, I have such a problem with growing grass in almost half of my front yard and that kind of walk way would be perfect! Very beautiful work!

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