By now, we’ve all probably heard this track. It has become wildly popular in some circles. They are an Icelandic Band, home of some very serious musical talent by my judgments. Anyway, I do recall hearing this once a while back but just “re-found” them recently.
So I came late!! Sue me, then. I dare ya.
I absolutely love this moving and highly spiritual track and I was absolutely riveted by the fine work done by the BBC on the video. The seasonal changes in Greenland – I am sure – and the High Arctic in general just plain take the breath away as does that most interesting couple and family we run across in the video. 😉
Sigur Ros – a band worth a listen:
Beautiful. Touches base!!
Now that’s a good baseball phrase! For a UK girl, you’re being extra nice. LOL, you must have liked it.
.-= Steve´s last blog ..Yew Dell Garden – A Return To A Rare Uniqueness =-.