Fountains – My New Blog

Valencia Spill Fountain in Crested Pool Done 2

As many in here know, I have been closing in on a stable relationship. Yes, that is new.  😉  Well – it’s happened and I have opened up a brand spanking new blog in partnership with the good folks at Pond And Fountain World here in Louisville, Kentucky. Right down the street, in fact, from where I live.

Here is the blog, catch the pithy and snazzy title:  Pond And Fountain World Blog

I’ve always loved their premises. Browsing reveals some truly wonderful naturalistic waterfalls and features, construction aspects of which they do work at in Louisville. The waterfalls, ponds and small residential and commercial water features numbers in the hundreds.

Bernheim Spring 130

Cool carp, too!

Bernheim Spring 009

Although they have a fairly sweet – if crowded – premises, their primary sales are in fountains of all types. And I do mean “all types”, including indoor and outdoor fountains, wall fountains which hang on walls, great huge spray fountain systems for lakes and the cutest little “tabletop” fountains. Needless to say, I’ll be posting about lighting, installation and upkeep like nobody’s business, but I will also feature pictures from fountains they’ve installed as well as abundant subjects congruent with water itself. In the end, as my “About” section details, water is much more the subject at hand – water and its handling.


It’s a marriage as well of convenience and pleasure because of the tight connection with what I’ve always dealt with in landscaping and my obvious love for using water in my own landscaping designs. The owner, George, visits her from time to time and he was aware of this blog already. I’ve already enjoyed the relationship and I hope it takes off as a good little fountain corner of the blogosphere. It sure is fun to write about.

Anyway, we launched it yesterday, September 25. Go take a look.

Or else.  🙂

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