At Last! Spring in Louisville

For a week, anyway, it was glimmers of Spring. Then, lo’ and behold an entire week of lovely, warm, sunny weather went and piqued the interest of budding trees and shrubs enough to get some substantial blossoms going. Of course, someone decided additional refrigeration was necessary – the ‘spoil sports’ – so that this week we teeter near freezing. But – hey! – at least it keeps the blossoms somewhat intact, even slowing things down in a very (guilty 😉 ), satisfactory way.

Initially, the Star Magnolias and Forsythia, as usual, led the Spring front:

(click all images to enlarge – Note: These pictures are basically taken with enlargement in mind and look best that way)

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Very encouraging, these here Star Magnolias:

Picture 171

Let’s visit a time lapse scenario, where we watch a few stages of this and another Forsythia’s blooming process –

Picture 146

Getting yellower now!

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Finally, today, darn near done, actually, with the new leaves intruding but offering a fascinating depth and color combination –

Picture 201

Time for a visit to the Chinese Pear Galaxy, also a reliable and profuse early bloomer. The avenue here consists of a really sweet line of these fella’s, now dominating the views with a huge, sensuous swath of lush blooming – an attribute of some very wonderful architectural planning.

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From the walk –

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And from behind, in the parking lot these trees surround-

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Here’s an early look at a favorite little street of mine in my local neighborhood. It’s development is always wonderful to watch –

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It’s moving along now!

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The Douglass Hills Park is a great huge expanse of green grass, perfect for the slews of kids who play there and the adults who wisely take advantage of its offerings as a secure and semi-private slice of paradise.

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Further along on my preambulations, one can’t help but notice this PGM Rhododendron ‘talking off’- they are historic “first Rhodie”

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Finally, we meet up with some true stars, the gorgeous Magnolia Soulangiana, or the Saucer Magnolia. Big gorgeous blooms, as lush as you want.

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This one I caught all by itself…………

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Spring is always welcome to this poster. But perhaps more so this year. The Winter seemed over long and quite dreary altogether, more so than usual, somehow.

Or maybe I’ve become a whiner. I am getting older, there IS that.

Nawwwwwwwww. I still like what I like!

Picture 170

One thought on “At Last! Spring in Louisville

  1. I do love those early Magnolias, but I don’t plant them. I think Lex might be a bit cooler than Louisville, maybe the river helps warm you? Over here the blooms or buds get frozen about two out of every three years. Global warming could change that, maybe. Anyway, I decided I would just enjoy everyone else’s when there is a good spring while not bearing the owner’s sorrow in the bad ones.

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