Musical Interlude – Nadia, The Song

The weather has conspired to be what has to be considered a complete pain in the butt here in dreary, cold Louisville, Kentucky. Flirtations with Springtime turned out be be shallow affairs – enough to entice blooms but then followed by literal snow. Snow and the pain that accompanies once-enthusiastic working in good weather with that of freezing hands mixing and slurrying cement in a hostile world have worked me into a mild frenzy of total nihilism. Here’s how bad it is: It’s enough to make someone send off a nasty letter.

I often take solace in music, as is evidenced by this blog. These diversions are fun and helpful. Today’s diversion deals with a song I watched modern guitarist Jeff Beck perform live one sunny Summer Day in Vancouver, all those years ago, as Beck morphed in to a near-jazzy style which he has stayed with since, making just the best music. I had to admit at the time, I had no idea as to the origins of this tune which evidently goes back into a Hindu past, resurrected by Beck in entertaining fashion.

Then I heard the actual words to the music in a cut by another – far newer name in the guitar world – Nitin Sawhney – which I might even like more. particularly owing to the wonderful lightness of the female singer’s style.

Here they are, in order – first Jeff Beck, secondly Nitin’s version:

4 thoughts on “Musical Interlude – Nadia, The Song

  1. I’ve missed your humor & witticisms, my man!
    Spring is slowly, very slowly coming to Northern California.
    But the feel of the sun on my face today was a reminder that we have, in fact, turned the corner.
    Alice … and thanks for info on Nitin Sawhney!

  2. So I take it you don’t mind my vandalizing your comments section at your gorgeous site? 😉 Hey, great to see you as well. It’s been a long Winter, for real, here.

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