Just Pictures – Archives And Recent

Gleaned over the years……… and some very recent – as in last week.


A somewhat perfect Vertical Garden – from Portland, Oregon.

(click any image to enlarge)

vertical oregon city

The lasting virtue of this relatively new technology is in its space-saving reclamation of Nature over Cement – among other things. Of course, who doesn’t like the otherwise fascinating look at small works of art hung on a wall or hallway?


Roses called in – said “Get a load of us!”

The Portland, Oregon Rose Garden proves yet again why Portland calls itself “The Rose City” – not that I doubted its claim.


Such a gorgeous setting, overall……

Rose Garden 106

This humongous Weeping Beech always captivated me. It just keeps growing, too, quite happily. The entire “weeping” element of trees has captivated me for some time –

Rose Garden 005

I began using them shamelessly in my own designs after seeing them in such circumstances – and in such profusion as exists around Portland.


I even remember when the picture above was looking like this:


But, yes, the fascination with Weeping Trees stayed. There was always something “sympathetic” about the downward direction of limbs and the coursing water looking so “in place” beside it.


It became something of a trademark in my water feature constructions –


But weeping trees may also claim their very own environment and stand gorgeously on their own in a soft, appealing gesture.

Bernheim Spring 019

Did someone say roses? Let’s get drunk on some.


On my most recent visit to the Portland Rose Garden, my wonderful friend Annette and her family accompanied me – or I them – Annette played with her filter on a few –

to interesting ends……….



Of course, some require No Filter – Nature does it for us……

Rose Garden 010

Rose Garden 025

For some supremely stupid reason, I often laugh when I see this picture:

Rose Garden 041

My Current Quandary Is What To Like Most About Spring??

Which blooms rock most?…………..Is it the Rhododendrons?

Crystal Springs March 3 09 308

Crystal Springs March 3 09 208

The absurd profusions of the Spring-blooming Crabapples and Cherries?

Bernheim Spring 141

Crystal Springs March 3 09 163

Or did we miss something?

Dogwoods, for example?

Bernheim Spring 220

Speaking of “absurd profusions”…………

Bernheim Spring 209

Bernheim Spring 108

Bernheim Spring 135

Bernheim Spring 023

This is an excellent method of exposing some archives………..Hope you enjoyed it!



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