Musical Interlude – 3 Tunes We Don’t Hear Every Day

This is totally cheating but I really don’t care. I make no apologies for loving – adoring – great music. Youtube makes it ridiculously easy on bloggers to simply take art from somewhere else and toss it up, acting like their taste matters. Well, I happen to think it actually does matter.

I’ve chosen these tunes in honor of you, the reader. I sometimes visit videos or get referred to them and I bear you in mind. I think to myself – “Would this be cool on my blog?”

“I wonder if folks have ever seen these, because, if they haven’t, I’d bet they’d be grateful after experiencing them.” This is as complicated as it gets. It’s most certainly some very simple sharing with people I like.

In the first video are old favorites of an entire generation: Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, working with an Egyptian Ensemble, doing what they do best – good  music.


This next tune is from some simply incredible Italians – Cuncordu de Orosei – and a marvelous Dane, Ernst Reijseger. I’ve always respected Reijseger, simply because he is in the Yoyo Ma category of Hall of Fame talents on a favored instrument of my own – the cello. But the stunning voices of his friends singing this hundreds-of-years old traditional song, make it a rather riveting experience, all-in-all:


The 3rd one is simply a delightfully different and lightweight bit of violin virtuosity at a club in California, featuring my current Love Interest Lili Haydn. Her work on “Mantra”, playing with Bill Laswell first showed me this incredible Canadian talent’s abilities as a musical prodigy – seen here in this link:

Here she does rock and roll in her own, um, “breathless fashion”.

5 thoughts on “Musical Interlude – 3 Tunes We Don’t Hear Every Day

  1. Nice finds! My dad was a college music professor, so I grew up surrounded by everything from ancient music to Medieval choral stuff to oddball contemporary classical. I’m sure that helped shape (warp) my artistic bent that goes to my designs. Maybe sometime we should do a cross-blog musical geekfest!
    .-= Dave Marciniak´s last blog ..3 Ways Landscape Design Is Like Science Fiction =-.

  2. Thanks Whitney. It’s not the focus of the blog but it satisfies me. I’ve always been a huge music lover.

  3. Double WOW ! ! The voice & expression of the cello combined with the Italians unique harmonies is fabulous.

    And Lili Haydn, , , THAT’S NOT FAIR! Now I have one more set of images & sounds to fill my dreams. A very entertaining performance !

    It takes me back some of my favorite olllllld time groups like “It’s a Beautiful Day” and also “Rotary Connection”<— there's a band that I haven't considered in a while. Minnie Riperton RIP. Thanks, as always, for sharing, Steve !

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