Nurses And Angels

There is a direct correlation, except nurses are still alive, thank God, and doing what they obviously love to do. I read, about a week ago, how Job Satisfaction ratings have always been led by the nursing profession. It is not close, in fact. My Mom wanted to be a nurse when she was a kid in the 20’s. It is not a new development.

An let me take this moment to praise the male nurses who also were so instrumental in helping me. But all of the nurses’ smiles, repartee, and a constant concern for my health constitutes the making of a gratitude which I am nearly incapable of expressing. Typically, of course, I will try. You guys know me now, lol.


In the ICU, all the blinking lights, the seeming darkness alternated by the light baths when the nurses or doctors went to work, I was in a dazed state and am finding memories harder to locate after the passing of time. It really is one of the reasons I post now. Tisha will read, lol, and a few others I spread word about my blog to. Typical of me, I spent inordinate time, even in distress, trying to get a few laughs, even in my condition. Well, that worked. I even got a Christmas Card from a nurse from ICU and another from a nurse at the next stage.But you know why?

I was such an absolute rookie at all this, it has always shown, sometimes to their amusement. But I have done “this” at every station so far – I expressed immense gratitude. For most nurses, while nice, something like that is unexpected, totally welcome, yet unnecessary. It is not what they work for at all. They help with a underlying passion which determines their demeanor – which is smiles and support at every single juncture, bar none.

My very fondest memory is of this large African American lady who asked if I wanted a shave. Oh Jeez – did I ever. So she went to get some hot water and towels and went to work. Initially, the super hot water was applied to my face and it felt spectacular. Then she got more hot water and mixed it with shaving cream. When she went to work, she leaned in and our faces were inches apart. She smelled divine. She began humming. Hearing her beautiful tones while working on giving me the best shave of my life has no parallel in my experience. It was a hugely spiritual moment the truth is. She smiled when I smiled – she wanted to treat me like a King and it worked. I never got her name, but wish I had. I would give a shout out to the people who read here – and that can’t be bad.


Which leaves about 50 nurses – maybe 100 – who have played instrumental roles in my surgery and the following rehab. Their patience and adoring care stunned me with it’s magnanimity. It was a revelation. I ran into No – Zero – bad nurses.

I retain two wonderful “nurses” now and have been “dropped from the rolls” by another favorite, Katy, who thinks I have reached the limits of what she is supposed to do. She believes I got 12 weeks of physical improvement done in 6 weeks. The inspiring talks, the “goading” of me to overcome my fear of walking, make both Katy and Ashley – my remaining Physical Devil – have earned a debt I can never repay. Ashleykeeps me for another couple weeks, it seems, to which I say – Booyah!!!

Which leaves Tisha, my wound nurse. She is with me until the wound is completely well. She orders supplies, always checks my wound and can be relied on – since the wound is healing well – to say something incredibly funny on the face of it. My favorite was this: “Wow, look at that beautiful wound!!!”  😉 Tisha, thank you – and all the rest of you.

I could go on, but I hope I put out my real and deep sense of gratitude and even surprise at such warm people existing in huge numbers during this nasty period of our history. There is no limit from here, for my gratitude and abiding love. It’s way outside the envelope.

Nurses are the best people in the Universe. This is for you……………


7 thoughts on “Nurses And Angels

  1. You are also a wonderful patient…both my son and my daughter are nurses and I am well aware of their dedication. It definately takes special people to be anurse…but then again it takes a special patient to remind them how glad they chose this profession.

  2. Steve, I am a nurse, friends with Matt Pilliere. He sent me you composure you wrote regarding nurses and it absolutely penetrated my heart and soul. It had been my love for many years and now that I am retired, I often think of my past experiences. I was an Army Nurse for 5 years, on active duty, and am a Vietnam Veteran. My years in nursing have gone full circle. I am so thankful for the recognition you gave us.

  3. Steve, you have been a joy to take care of, only wishing I could do more somehow. You have been inspiring to me in that, you see the joyful and fun side of things even in the midst of temporary suffering. You are getting well, and I can see that, with a large part due to your amazingly wonderful attitude! Keep on keeping’ on!

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