Azuma Makoto

What an intense and artful revelation this guy is. Azuma works in flowers and succulents and he takes flower arrangements to what I feel to be one of entirely fresh  new levels of artistic skill and acumen that define a craft’s greatest possibilities. He waxes from irreverent and edgy in his arrangements – for example his launch into space of the bouquet show in the picture below –


To more spare arrangements, made to photograph and immortalize………””Originally Flowers exist in the nature in a way they should be. But I always thought that flowers shine even more or strike you with their beauty deeper in our minds when I stripped them out of their natural environment,” says Azuma.

(Sakura Tree)

00flowers4 Displayed in blocks of ice:



00flowers 3

“I use flowers that are living. If I use their life to create a piece, I would like to create a work that should surprise the flower themselves, or the people who see them. I am an entertainer who uses flowers,” says Azuma of his art……….

00flowers6His best friend and a virtual co-worker is his photographer, for obvious reasons. The richness and wealth of lush detail are studies captured in a cooperative effort. Azuma oversees every iota of his work and his legend is quietly growing and he recognized a talented mate in capturing permanent images of his work, often showing the depth of color that a dark background can provide. Far from being a dark study in the standard concept of the term, the backgrounds allows the blooms to explode for the eyes..


This one below may be my favorite. Here he uses ample numbers of Proteus plants to extrude virtual light from within. Proteus to me rank slightly above the greatest Rhododendron blossoms as Nature’s finest blooms.

00flowers1300flowers 14But, like Isamu Noguchi’s restless range of artistic projects, Azuma also plays in realms he most certainly belongs in. This picture reminds me more of Salvadore Dali than of Nature although all the sculptures show here are representations of plant development.


He can make your office a snazzier joint too!!!  😉

00glowers12I’m not just late to the Azuma game, I only discovered him today. After stumbling across all this, I had to get deeper. I absolutely adore what this man does. He just turned me inside out, lol.


2 thoughts on “Azuma Makoto

  1. Absolutely gorgeous Steve…even his crwative placement in the gallery became part of his art. Glad you shared.

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