A Forest Pond

Apr11127.JPGI took over this project after my predecessor had humongous problems with it.  It was a labor of generosity, in a way, from my company to this couple who were fund raisers for projects close to our heart.  The lady who lived here had a sense of urgency inasmuch as she may have had a terminal illness.  She desperately wanted to have something very much like what we provided.  Calm water, rushing waterfall in the distance, a bog-like area and immensely rich plantings all over.  It was truly a little bit of Paradise.  The pond required piecing and gluing together a monlithic liner 60 by 70 feet.  It took about 8 of us to move it, constantly fanning the liner to allow the air to help us. 

   In the end, the proudest factor I wore after the successful completion for this delighted couple reasted in how finished we made it look, right away.  Somehow, we were able to make it look as though it had been there a long time.  We used debris from the forest, picked up old logs, did all sorts of wild things.  Credit went to alot of people on this one, one of my all time favorites.

    The pictures taken here were taken the day of completion.

2 thoughts on “A Forest Pond

  1. Thanks! It was fun to do. We just knew it was going to be a knockout, right from the start. It had a bazillion problems, lol, in the making of it, but we navigated them somehow. Making the island was a chore!

    Thanks again.

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