Blogs I Visit – Roses In Gardens


I do this now and again, describe other blogs and why I like them. Philip’s blog, for example, I highlighted earlier – well written and special in every way with his own super high quality photo’s and poetic style, Phillip makes wonderful reading. It’s hard to say enough good things about the good-natured, uplifting and very literate Phillip.

The pictures here I have lifted from my next featured blogger’s site – hopefully with his kind permission.

Today, I want to explore – with you – a Danish friend of mine who specializes in roses. Niels Plougmann is yet another good natured chap with an astounding focus and breadth of knowledge about roses. Already, I have learned oodles not only relating to the various species of this stunning bloom but also to accurate renditions of climatic possibilities of the various sub species.  As well, Niels fully covers more mundane concerns like favorable or unfavorable soil conditions, growing habits and the blooming frequency for the featured families. Naturally, Niels also combines advice on the care, feeding and overall maintenance of the West’s most emblematic flower – the Rose. Rosicrucians unite – here we come!

Recently Niels took a break from posting and I missed him. I spent time at his site, looking around for him and left a note or two, urging him to come back, healthy and wise as ever. Obviously my imploring worked, because Niels is back in action and as frisky as ever! This is a good thing. I take full credit for getting Niels back into the robust world of educating us morons about his favorite plant. We are in his movie!

Honestly, give yourself a treat and visit this marvelously informative and enthusiastic garden designer. Good natured to a fault and informative beyond measure, Niels offers that rarest of things – great insight with a true human sensibility. The world could use a few more of this guy.

10 thoughts on “Blogs I Visit – Roses In Gardens

  1. Nancy, I could not agree more. Niels’ obvious care for his blogging project is a great example to us all. Plus, you know you’d love being a client of his – he emanates compassion and empathy, much like Philip. Much like you do, too, come to think of it! 😉

  2. Congrats on such an aesthetic blog taste. Can it get better than this? Visiting this absolutely fabulous blog only to find your kindness to show us the way to these two extraordinary chaps. And I am so glad your imploring did work – Niels is the person whose way of portraying roses and love for plants, and like you have so undoubtedly noticed, his good nature to a fault and informativeness beyond measure, have actually converted me from a total rose infidel whose indifference to aphids bordered with malice, to a total worshipper! Not to mention his great advice on slug wars which has lead me to Ferramol and saved countless plant souls, and made my Lupins finally bloom. Reading back, it seems I’ve been gone from the blogosphere for too long, but heck, it’s good to be back. Cheers!

  3. Hi Steve, I have a pet parlor in Reno, and I want to put down some rocks on the side of the yard.
    A place where the dogs can relieve themselves before they get into the shop. I want to put down a weed barrier but allow drainage for cleaning. Plus I have some small green plants with yellow flowers that thrive there. (I think they are called feaver few.) I also think that asparagus fern against the house would look sweet? Will it work?

  4. Violet! Wow, nice to see you. “Rose infidel”, lol……….How could you??? Pssst……..I always hated dealing with them too. Not only are they prickly but I like putting stuff in that basically just grows and doesn’t require questions but once or twice a year. The truth comes out! 😉 Being an installer lends itself to that so I am pretty sure I get at least some forgiveness in Rose Heaven.

    Having said that, my younger brother Tom converted me to adoring good roses- he had 75 or so of the prettiest and most plump roses I ever saw, all arrayed in his back yard. I can definitely see the lure, make no mistake.

  5. Alicia, thanks for dropping in. That fabric you’re talking about is permeable enough to let the good old dog pee through. And yes, it will still keep the weeds away. It wouldn’t hurt watering the area tho, to make sure it leaches down. In fact, sometimes it;s a good idea to have a couple of holes filled with gravel beneath the surface – maybe strategically-placed? – so that you can be sure it goes to some depth.

    I like Fever Few. The asparagus fern will also work. Make sure you put some good organic mixture of soil around the plant when you plant it. Be a good idea to dig up a good sized area, in fact, and then add your compost. Ferns – even asparagus ferns – like it acidic.

    Hey, good to see you. Good luck on the dog business. You’ll do great at it.

  6. I have read Niels blog a few times and he sure does know his stuff on Roses! Getting to know the ins and outs of “rose care” is just as hard an any other plant, but the reward is amazing, plump juicy roses, there is nothing like it!

  7. Steve! Thank you for your loving kind words and your imploring! It is such a pleasure getting to know gardenbloggers like you and others, where you feel the joy and passion for what you do. Your posts and pictures showing your exellent landscaping work is very informative and inspiring. I see that you do excellent work for your clients – works that are very high Class compared to many other landscapers I have seen. Landscaping and Garden design is one part knowledge and craftmanship. That is the foundation that can be learned. The other part – Creativity and passion for what we do – can not. People either have it or not.
    Roses are my favorite plants – and the truth is that they are very easy to grow if we choose the right cultivars, that suits the climate. Few plants bloom as much and as long as roses. And caring for them is not rocket sciences. And there are even thornless or almost thornless roses. Every garden should have some roses, but not every garden should be a rose garden. Knowing how much time clients are willing and able to spend caring for and maintaining their gardens, ultimately decides what plants we choose.

    Thank you again for your kindness and enthusiasm Steve!

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